Monday, July 04, 2005

Wise Traditions 2005 - 6th Annual Conference

6th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
November 11 - November 13

Your chance to find out about. . .

  • Latest research on vitamins A, D, and B12, critical nutrients in traditional diets
  • Holistic cancer therapies
  • Best nutritional approaches to heart disease
  • Pros and cons of root canals
  • Health benefits and safety of raw milk

Held at the beautiful

Westfields Marriott Hotel, Chantilly, Virginia, (near Dulles Airport)

Information-Packed Weekend!
This year we have planned multiple tracks on all three days.

Friday: Seminar on Fertility Awareness by Katie Singer; classes on lacto-fermentation of beverages, condiments and grains; and Sally Fallon’s Seminar on Traditional Diets.

Saturday: Joint session features internationally recognized speakers on our favorite vitamins—vitamin A (Noel Solomons, PhD, Director, CeSSIAM, International Nutrition Foundation, Inc), vitamin D (Dr. John Cannell, President, Vitamin D Council) and vitamin B12 (Dr. John Dommisse). The day will conclude with four concurrent panel discussions (Nutrition in Schools and Hospitals; Raw Milk Activism; Emotional and Psychological Dimensions of Nutrition; and What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Farm Bill and Sustainable Agriculture).

Saturday Banquet: Chefs John Umlauf and K. Michael Sullivan collaborate to prepare a delicious dinner based on the principles of nourishing traditional diets. Keynote presentation on the safety and health benefits of raw milk by Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy in California.

Sunday: Three concurrent sessions feature Mary Enig, PhD, Dr. Nicholas Gonzales and Dr. Tom Cowan on cancer; Sally Fallon, Dr. Peter Langsjoen and Joel Kaufman, PhD on heart disease; and Pentti Nupponen, DDS, Raymond Silkman, DDS, and Michael Goldman, DDS on holistic dentistry and root canals.

Monday: November 14 Meeting for Chapter Leaders: This year we have added a fourth day for chapter leaders, featuring presentations, discussions and workshops.

CEUs: We are in the process of obtaining Continuing Education Credits for many healing arts professions. Details forthcoming!
For further information, CLICK HERE
Who should attend Wise Traditions 2005?
Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, parents, students, food writers, food providers, farmers, public servants, cancer patients, heart disease patients, dental patients, people interested in nutrition, people with no interest in nutrition, people who love to cook, people who hate to cook, people who like to eat, baby-boomers concerned about their health, grandparents concerned about their grandchildren, couples who want healthy babies, people who want answers, people who love controversy. . . and You!


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