Support For Healthy Living

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Great Resource for Food Intolerance Issues:

I just wanted to give everyone a “heads up” to a wonderful website filled with support and information about food intolerance issues of all sorts.
Go to
The website provides independent information about the connection between food and behavior, with particular attention to the affects on health and learning abilities in both children and adults. Its dietary recommendations and support revolves around “a low-chemical elimination diet free of additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers (FAILSAFE)"

Who might gain value from FAILSAFE eating?
Well if you or your children are bothered by any of the following, it would definitely be worth taking a good long look.

* mood swings * PMT * short fuse * oppositional defiance * ADHD * foggy brain * learning difficulties * anxiety * depression * panic attacks * stomach aches * bloating * reflux * irritable bowel * ‘sneaky poos’ * food cravings * difficulty falling asleep * night waking * headaches * migraine * asthma * stuffy or runny nose * frequent ear infections * tinnitus * arthritis * eczema * or * restless legs.

The FAILSAFE Newsletter is published quarterly and available free by email. Just send your email address to

  • The latest newsletter (Oct – Dec. 2005) deals with
    Food in cinemas
    Asthma and additives
    Schools peanut ban
    The rise and rise of supermarkets
    Food additives and dementia
    Inauguration of the Nasty Food Awards

Sue Dengate and her husband Dr Howard Dengate, a food scientist, run the Food Intolerance Network. Biodata on their website states that Sue “is author of the bestselling Fed Up series, published by Random House Australia. In 2001, Sue completed a round the world 'supermarket tour' to compare the use of food additives in 15 countries. Her groundbreaking study about the behavioural effects of a common bread preservative was published in a medical journal in 2002.” A dedicated researcher, writer and lecturer, Sue donates her time and energy and for the past 11 years all proceeds from the sale of her books and talks have been used to run the Food Intolerance Network.

Check it out and spread the word about their work.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Prayer May Speed Heart Patient’s Recovery

“Prayer may reduce the number of complications experienced by hospitalized heart patients, researchers report. Heart Patients who were prayed for by others, but were not aware of being the object of prayers, had an 11% reduction in medical complications or the need for surgery or medications while in hospital, according to the investigators. The authors examined the medical charts if nearly 1,000 heart patients, following their health histories between hospital admission and discharge.

All patients in the study received standard medical care. But unbeknownst to the patients, the researchers provided the first names of about half the patients to 15 teams of five self-identified, practising Christians. These individuals prayed daily for the healthy recovery of selected patients for a period of 4 weeks. The remaining patients were not prayed for as part of the study.

The authors report that the prayed-for patients had significantly lower complication rates than those not prayed for in the study. The research team effectively ruled out patient bias as a possible factor behind the benefits associated with prayer, since both patients and hospital staff were completely unaware of the very existence of the trial. Indeed, they say they have no “mechanistic explanation” as to how the prayers of strangers might have helped speed patient healing. The odds that chance might explain the findings are about 1 in 25, according to the authors.”

Extracted from the Archives of Internal Medicine – October 25th, 1999; 159:2273

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Coconut Oil and Weight Loss

I just had to do another post on the coconut oil !
This is fascinating stuff !!

Do all fats make fat ? Well, according to Dr Fife N.D., apparently not. Coconut Oil is digested differently than other fats. Most fats, when eaten, pass through the stomach into the intestines and it is in the intestines where the majority of fat digestion occurs. The fats are broken down into their individual fatty acids and absorbed into the intestinal wall where they are repackaged into lipoproteins. It is lipoproteins, then, that circulate in the blood stream. These Lipoproteins are what releases the particles of fat that collect in our fats cells and on artery walls.

The medium chain fatty acids from coconut oil, on the other hand, digest so quickly that they are basically broken down by the time they leave the stomach. As no further digestion is needed they are immediately absorbed into what is called the portal vein and sent directly to the liver. The liver then preferentially uses them as a source of fuel, for energy rather than stored as body fat.

Dr. Fife N.D. says that when you eat coconut oil, you are eating a source of energy, whereas with other fats you are eating a source of fat. Because of this easy absorption, there is less stress on the pancreas, liver and digestive system. The metabolism increases and because of this more calories are burned off. Ideal for those concerned with weight loss and excess fat, coconut oil can be used to help with weight management and to loose excess weight. In fact his book Eat Fat Look Thin explains how to use coconut oil to loose excess body fat, stimulate your metabolism, increase energy levels and improve thyroid function.

To further drive home this point, I’ve heard from several sources that in the 1940’s coconuts were used as feed for domesticated pigs in an attempt to fatten them up. The result was a leaner animal with increased appetite!! Now-a-days it has been found that soybeans and corn is the food of choice to fatten animals. These are known to have a pronounced anti-thyroid effect. Slow down the metabolism, put on the weight. :o)
Other websites of interest include:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Coconut Revival – New Possibilities For the Tree of Life

Further to my post yesterday. An exciting development in favor of revitalizing interest in the coconut industry comes by way of the INTERNATIONAL COCONUT FORUM being held in Cairns, North Queensland, Australia on Nov 22 – 24th, 2005.

This event is sponsored in part by the Queensland University and the Australian Governments program, AusAID. Objectives of the forum include:

  1. Discussing strategic issues in the development of coconut industries of the region especially related to new products and markets.
  2. Discussing the past current and future international support for coconut research and development.
  3. Discussing the potential benefits to Australia and cooperative efforts with producers elsewhere especially in the light of increased interest in coconut as a health food.

It is so exciting to see this development as it is focused energy in the right direction which can benefit everyone from the growers (up till now, generally poorly paid) right on through to the end user who is now armed with solid, scientific research to dispel propaganda used in the past to quash this valuable product as a competitor in the vegetable oil market. Bruce Fife’s work (mentioned in yesterday’s post) has done much to bring the true value of the coconut to the fore.

For more information about the International Coconut Forum , contact Dr. Yohannes Samosir on + 61 7 3365 9750, or email

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


A small group of us had the most wonderful opportunity to spend a quiet evening with Bruce Fife, ND the other day learning about the incredible health benefits of the humble coconut. Although highly valued in the coconut growing regions of the world, the health benefits of coconut oil, are only now just starting to break through a heavy cloud of mis-information that has found its way into just about every health book and journal available in the west.

The main criticism is regards it’s high saturated fat content. Saturated fats, as we know, are generally known as being a direct contributor towards the development of heart disease. Coconut Oil, however, is not like other saturated fats, in that it is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Research has shown that these fats, derived from coconut oil, posses very unique nutritional properties. Research has shown that these MCT’s not only do NOT contribute to heart disease, but in fact, quite the reverse. They protect against it. This point is further supported by studies which show that those populations that use coconut oil as their primary source of fat have the lowest heart disease rates in the world.

One point that really caught my attention was the “kinship” between coconut oil and human breast milk - coconut oil was the number one source of MCT, while human breast milk came in as the second highest. There is something VERY special about these MCT’s. Recent medical studies have shown that both coconut oil and MCT can help strengthen immunity as well as protect against many common illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and even many infectious diseases including HIV and AIDS.

For more information about the value of coconut oil and Bruce Fife’s work go to .