Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Great Resource for Food Intolerance Issues:

I just wanted to give everyone a “heads up” to a wonderful website filled with support and information about food intolerance issues of all sorts.
Go to
The website provides independent information about the connection between food and behavior, with particular attention to the affects on health and learning abilities in both children and adults. Its dietary recommendations and support revolves around “a low-chemical elimination diet free of additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers (FAILSAFE)"

Who might gain value from FAILSAFE eating?
Well if you or your children are bothered by any of the following, it would definitely be worth taking a good long look.

* mood swings * PMT * short fuse * oppositional defiance * ADHD * foggy brain * learning difficulties * anxiety * depression * panic attacks * stomach aches * bloating * reflux * irritable bowel * ‘sneaky poos’ * food cravings * difficulty falling asleep * night waking * headaches * migraine * asthma * stuffy or runny nose * frequent ear infections * tinnitus * arthritis * eczema * or * restless legs.

The FAILSAFE Newsletter is published quarterly and available free by email. Just send your email address to

  • The latest newsletter (Oct – Dec. 2005) deals with
    Food in cinemas
    Asthma and additives
    Schools peanut ban
    The rise and rise of supermarkets
    Food additives and dementia
    Inauguration of the Nasty Food Awards

Sue Dengate and her husband Dr Howard Dengate, a food scientist, run the Food Intolerance Network. Biodata on their website states that Sue “is author of the bestselling Fed Up series, published by Random House Australia. In 2001, Sue completed a round the world 'supermarket tour' to compare the use of food additives in 15 countries. Her groundbreaking study about the behavioural effects of a common bread preservative was published in a medical journal in 2002.” A dedicated researcher, writer and lecturer, Sue donates her time and energy and for the past 11 years all proceeds from the sale of her books and talks have been used to run the Food Intolerance Network.

Check it out and spread the word about their work.


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